THROUGH MY ART, I've learned how to find some beauty in even the most horrible things. The death of my first love at the age of 13 was what set me on this path, as it inspired the music and art that allowed me to heal. Today, I've been compelled to capture the impact of stray bullets left behind from real shootings and violence in and around New York City, and turn them into wondrous images that appear to show how one tiny thing can radiate outwards to effect absolutely everything else in the universe. I present these as large-scale Vibrachrome laser-etched prints on somewhat reflective silver aluminum, which allows the viewer to situate a reflection of their own head and shoulders right where the bullet holes have entered the image, providing a sense that we are all simultaneously victims, witnesses, and perpetrators of the world we've created for ourselves. It can be astonishingly beautiful, but only if we choose to make it so.